And they like her better than me, ba dump bump. Still Living With My Parents is Nia Nadurata’s debut EP that came out earlier this month and it’s like a workout album at my level. Move over Richard Simmons, let me show you how it’s not done.
Whether you pump your chin like a chicken, bang your head like a mosh pitter or twitch your neck like A Night At The Roxbury extra, “Practice” will warm you up and get you heart pumping with annoyance of molding an ex into better relationship material.
Bring some shoulder shaking and hip swaying into “boo hoo” and “i think i like your girlfriend” with their swoon-worthy vibes. When was the last time you swooned? Have you ever swooned? Has swooning been a thing since the 50’s? Well throw on you mini skirts and go-go boots, put your hands palms forward at shoulder height and swoon away. Shake it like you would at a sock hop during fleet week.
“can we NOT!” will incorporate your arms in for some air guitar and strut those legs across your bedroom like its Madison Square Garden. Keep it going on “Souvenirs” while throwing in some belly rolls and tittie shimmies before cooling it down to the ballad “Trauma Bond” when you collapse in a heap on the floor recalling past bad relationships that you regret.
In my gay opinion, Nia Nadurata is a diva who modernizes past genres of music and makes them her own. The EP has a lot of sounds and styles but they work well together. Nia’s lyrics are personal and heavy with relationship drama but her music is fun and leaves you humming along.