Top 5 Torturous Tunes

One of my pet peeves is hanging out with couples who bicker and argue in front of me. Why air your dirty laundry in public? I don’t want to hear it, save it for behind closed doors. If you can’t contain your anger, then have the decency to be passive aggressive about it. All people…

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Politics Smolitics

When I turned 18 in the late 80’s I wasn’t one of those people who ran out to register to Rock The Vote no matter how much MTV wanted me to. I would only vote when a black man or a woman ran for President. I had enough of rich, white, straight men calling the…

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Customers With Infant Or Expectant Mother Parking

I’m sitting here trying to think of what should be the topic for my very first blog post. Not much thought is needed, which in my case is a good thing. I’m going with one of my biggest pet peeves, the customers with an infant or expectant mothers reserved parking spot signs. My gay opinion is that these parking…

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