Camille Schmidt’s Nude #9

Nude #9 is Camille Schmidt’s brand new album and she’s continuing to work her folksy-pop sound on much of it, but there are a few tracks that surprisingly veer from her usual style. She branches out a lot on this album and flirts with a lot of different styles. “XOXO” goes very electro-pop with heavily Auto-Tuned vocals that would do Cher proud and the best song on the album, in my gay opinion, “Fish Pills” has a quirky title and pop-saturated sound.

Camille’s lyrics are intimate as always and many of the songs were written “completely stream of consciousness” according to her. There is a sense of emotions pouring fourth in this album and not much of a filter…which I’m living for. Camille rides a fine line between hysterical and poignant in her lyrics. I’m left feeling both sad and giggly from a few of her songs, “Heaven” especially.

I’d be very curious to see Camille in concert and see how these songs translate to a live performance. I’ll have to see if she does any dates to promote the album, seeing she’s based in New York City, there’s a good chance of it!

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