Crys Matthews’ Changemakers

When people think protest music, Bob Dylan or one of the Guthrie’s might come to mind. If you’re like me and prefer divas, Joni Mitchell or Joan Baez might be up your alley. Although to be honest, I don’t know any of their catalogs and couldn’t pick them out of a police line-up. Until recently,…

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Kalen & Aslyn’s Back Of Our Minds

This time last year I did a blog post about a once in a lifetime opportunity my partner and I had to host a concert by one of our favorite divas, Aslyn. What a difference a year makes, now going to concerts is a thing we used to do. Thankfully new music is still being…

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Echosmith’s Lonely Generation

  I’ve been a fan of Echosmith’s ever since they first came on to the scene with their song “Cool Kids” in 2013. They’ve released a few EP’s since but I’ve been waiting patiently for a new full-length album. When I purchased a ticket to their Inside A Dream tour in 2018 it came with…

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Beth Nielsen Chapman’s Heart Of Glass

Whenever one of my divas releases a new album, I hope for a tour to follow even though I know the majority of the set list will be from the new album. Most times the album is good but not good enough for me to forget about the classic songs. However, that is not the…

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