Tori Amos’ White Telephone To God EP

When Tori Amos drops albums, they tend to be very conceptual and have ties to previous albums. However, when she drops an EP or B-sides, Tori really shines with songs that tend to have more humor and spontaneity. That is definitely the case with her new EP, White Telephone To God. “White Telephone To God”…

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My Second Annual Divas Playlist

2021 has been a busy year. I spent a large chunk of free time searching out new-to-me divas to follow like Babygirl, Taylor Alxndr, Girl In Red, and Litany. A few of my prolific divas like Donna De Lory, Paula Cole, Natalie Imbruglia and Tori Amos dropped highly-anticipated (by me) albums. Most surprising, Debbie Gibson…

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Tori Amos’ Ocean To Ocean

Ocean To Ocean is the prodigal return of the pop-sounding Tori Amos who has been in hiding for far too many years, I was getting ready to file a missing diva report. I feel like her song “29 Years” is speaking to that part of me that’s been longing (for 29 years, I’ve been searching…

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Holigay 2020

This year many of my favorite performers decided that less is more when it comes to musical gift giving, there were no holiday albums (closest was a four-track EP from Tori Amos) to be had, just singles. Not a lot of music but a fair share of divas; quality over quantity, I guess. Tori Amos‘…

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Tori Amos’ Resistance

In order for music to resonate with me, it has to speak to the sensibilities of my inner teen girl…it’s Britney, Bitch. Back in 1992, Tori Amos released her Little Earthquakes album and it shook my inner Britney to her core. Before this time, my musical taste was very light and pop oriented (and still…

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Tori Amos’ Native Invader Deluxe

When I think of the divas I discovered in the 90’s, Tori Amos is one of the first to come to mind. Her raw emotional singing and heart wrenching lyrics on her album Little Earthquakes shook me to my closeted core. Finally a diva who sang about a darker time and understood that everything wasn’t…

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Natalie Imbruglia’s Male

I downloaded Natalie Imbruglia’s new album Male last month as soon as it became available. I’ve been waiting for some new music from her for a while now, six years to be exact. When I heard that Male was Natalie singing the songs of male singers, I was amused by the idea (so far I’ve…

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