TV DILFs For $100, Alex!

Back in May, in honor of Mother’s Day, I did a post about my mom who pretty much raised me solo. My father died when I was eleven, but before that, he wasn’t around much. He was on the road a lot driving tractor trailers (bringing home small trinkets from time to time), moving trucks…

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Gay People Problems

Where are you going to attend college? Who are you going to marry? What career are you best suited for? What’s for dinner? We all have choices and decisions to make that impact the rest of our lives. Stress bears down on us at every turn. We’ve all been there. Last month, I found myself…

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Atlanta Or Bust

My partner and I had a week off this month and were looking for somewhere to go on vacation. My partner suggested Atlanta, Georgia for a couple reasons. First they have good public transportation (neither of us like to drive when on vacation), secondly it was more in the path of the eclipse than Connecticut,…

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How Much Is My Gay Booty Worth?

In my gay opinion, moving sucks. I’ve moved a couple times in the past few years and with each move I downsize and get rid of stuff I no longer use. However there have been a few items that I just haven’t been able to bare to part with until now. Back in the day,…

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Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about racism in the media, between building a wall to keep Mexicans out of the U.S.A and bans on Muslims flying in. People seem to have forgotten that The American Dream was built by immigrants and people searching for freedom of religion. Unfortunately the cost was slaughtering…

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