Everybody knows iconic black divas such as Diana Ross, Beyonce and Little Richard. If you don’t, you need to stop reading this post right now, Google them, and recite ten hail Mary’s…Wilson or J. Blige… whichever Mary you get on your knees for.
In honor of Black History Month, I went through my personal musical library and pulled a song from each of the greatest black divas worthy of worship, in my gay opinion, for a special playlist. There are some names you’ll recognize and others that you should know.
Each song and diva hold a special place near and dear to where my heart should be. Tina Turner might be gone but not forgotten. Tina was one of the greatest live performers of our time and I’m grateful to say I saw her on tour quite a few times. Same can be said for Donna Summer, whose song (“MacArthur Park”) I chose because of my personal connection with it. It was my partner and I’s first “song”. The song chose us when we played the eighteen-minute disco remix on a jukebox in a seedy pool hall and had a white-trash Elizabeth Taylor wannabe in head-to-toe acid-washed denim glaring to see who chose the song. We were the only two hysterical gays fleeing the joint. Speaking of personal connections, I chose “Something You Can Feel” because that was being performed the first, and so far only time, I’ve been groped by a diva. Thank you, Millie Jackson.
On that note, welcome to my Black Divas Of Dave-inity Spotify Playlist: