Tina Arena’s Eleven

When it comes to my divas, I tend to prefer them to be made in the U.S.A. Why you may ask or maybe you don’t care, but either way I’ll tell you. Because those born outside the U.S. don’t tour here as often as I would like, making stalking them much harder. There are some…

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Vanessa Carlton’s Liberman

I saw Vanessa Carlton in concert last year and she played some new music she was working on. So I’ve anxiously been waiting the release of her new album, Liberman, to see how the songs sound recorded. I’m glad it came out in October because I have tickets to see her again in December and…

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Top 5 Things I Learned In West Virginia

This past weekend I went to West Virginia to see my nephew run in a marathon. Normally I wouldn’t go that far for just a weekend away but he was driving and my sister had an extra bed in her room so I figured why not. The only things I knew West Virginia is stereo-typically…

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Natalie Imbruglia’s Male

I downloaded Natalie Imbruglia’s new album Male last month as soon as it became available. I’ve been waiting for some new music from her for a while now, six years to be exact. When I heard that Male was Natalie singing the songs of male singers, I was amused by the idea (so far I’ve…

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Carly Rae Jepsen’s Emotion

The only album reviews I read are those for artists I haven’t heard of before in order to get an idea of their sound and who they’re musically compared to. It was unusual for me to read the early reviews for Carly Rae Jepsen’s new album Emotion. I have been waiting for this album for…

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Lenka’s The Bright Side

I downloaded Lenka’s new album The Bright Side the day it went on sale and since then it’s been playing non-stop in my car. In my gay opinion, this is the perfect album for summer, to just roll down the windows and sing along to…especially lucky for those people stuck next to me at red…

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Top 5 Ways That I’m An A-Hole

Sometimes I find myself in a situation where I think to myself, “Self, you really are being an A-Hole!” When it comes to being an A-Hole, nobody is immune, but it helps to recognize those moments. Therefore, in my gay opinion, these are the Top 5 Ways That I’m An A-Hole. 5: Don’t Make Me…

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